Milk nutwork
School funding
es." With the War on Iraq, this contradiction — with the rebuild a public infrastructure abroad,infrastructure at home — has intensified, and even tger, October 1998 Speed and Politics Matt Wray, April 1995 pset the set-up. Need the latest war numbers? Iraq Body Count provides well-documented information on civilian casualites as part of its Human Security project, while the Iraqometer keeps a weather eye on war productivity statistics. Championing free education and self-determination, the San Francisco Bay Area-based Schools Not Jails challenges policies that unfairly target low-income students and youth of color, such as the practice African American ofinto remedial classes. Additionally, the organization advocates for bilingual education, affirmative action,size, and funding for ethnic studies programs. Books Not Bars declares the "billion dollar incarceration industry is eating the future" and asks why the state funds punishment, not education. Having successfully blocked the BAD LINKS g t